8 core mac pro 2015
8 core mac pro 2015

  • looking at the batch monitor, the TRANSCODing is segmented in detail and dispatched to all 8 cores - !.
  • submit abive job again USING THE CLUSTER created on the QUAD and WHA!.
  • (read the Qmaster doc and its all explained in there).

    8 core mac pro 2015

  • in the /system preferences/qmaster/setting make SET 4 or 8 INSTANCES of compressor.
  • set up APPLE QMASTER using VIRTUAL CLUSTERS - q simple QUICKCLSUTER will do the trick.
  • Sadly, Watch the CORES in the activity monitor and sigh that all the cores are not running at 100% (or NOT "pegged out" as they say in america).
  • submit HDV to compressor using standard preset fo H.26 multipass wiht SEGMENTING on.
  • I have not run any hard tests yet but the ADHOC tests I did after I set the OCTO MP up were results were quite good.

    8 core mac pro 2015

    I installed in the DUAL QUAD OCTO (with 8GB ram). Hi Ryan, I too was scepical after reading the BF reports until I took delivery of FCS 2 these past few days.

    8 core mac pro 2015